My Services

My Services

Live AS Love. Because Life Happens THROUGH you. Not TO you.


Thank you for your guidance you beautiful soul. Your inner light shines bright and beautiful.

Debbie Hass - Sacramento, CA

6 months ago

Your insight is truly angelic, sir. I wonder if I will ever be that free and able to live solely in the moment. You are a true guru and inspiration. Thank you for existing!

Mike Henderson - Reno, NV 

2 months ago

You are one of the only people who understand that me being a spirit of truth means that you are too.  The way you see every situation from its core and origin has allowed me to as you say, "put space around the issues in my head" and be peaceful. Your teachings are priceless.

Jasjeet Kuhr - Bengalaru, India

13 months ago

You are my guru beautiful soul. I cannot thank you enough for what you have been through to become such a shining light for others. A master that doesn't claim to be. Always in service to others. I am so grateful to know there are people walking this Earth like you. Bless you sir!

Dr. Francis Powell - Holistic Specialist - Santa Barbara, CA

18 months ago

One on One Mentoring

Delving into your internal mystic nature is the most courageous idea anyone can make their reality. This means introducing yourself to your own soul. Weekly/Monthly  one on one mentoring opens options unseen from your current perspective. Let's unlock your unlimited nature today!

Motivational Speaking

Book The American Mystic today for your next conference, spiritual retreat, corporate event or just to get your team fired up! Spirituality is the basis for all we do and embracing the internal nature of ourselves is the way! BE WITH ME and open possibilities unseen within yourself, your team, your life.


If you know little about spirituality, it can be challenging to start, but I can guide you on your spiritual journey. Especially in business and career settings your super power is your inner Mystic. That aspect of you that is absolutely boundless and UNLIMITED. Master yourself and you will master the LIFE process you are. You are LIFE ITSELF.

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